
Sunday, 6 September 2015

No 11 Cable car over the Thames (17)

My sister Alex treated me to a day out to complete the challenge of going over the Thames on the cable car. As I have vertigo this could have been a difficult challenge! To make it more of a challenge she decided we would also climb the 02 (The Millennium Dome) - yes - climb up to the top and back down again! It was a nice climb up, quite windy but not cold, brilliant views on the way up and down.  The viewing platform at the top is interesting and we really could see far and wide over London. It was harder to come down as the angle was steep and we had to go slowly on the harness links, even though I suggested we all slide down the side on our bums, 007 style! 

365m round, 52m high
The walkway over the dome
Harnessed up!
Nice clear day

Windy at the top!

Off to the cable car                                                 Don't forget my medal

Only 5 minute wait for the cable car despite a queue, it was surprisingly stable when we got in. Usually there is an element of swaying, especially when it is windy but it was hardly noticeable if there was any.  We shared the car going over the first time but the views were breathtaking and our companions just as much in awe. They got out when we crossed and we had the whole car to ourselves on the way back so i took some fab photos and videos too.

An awesome view

Really incredible

Forgot the Thames is so wide!
and so big!

What a day for heights.......
....the Shard!

Monday, 10 August 2015

No 10 - Go to the top of The Shard (6)

This challenge was completed on my Birthday with friends and family. We stayed in a hotel next to London Bridge after my party and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do this challenge.

It was a beautiful sunny day and London was looking good! I was a little surprised to experience vertigo though. Never having had an issue with heights before I wasn't worried about looking down, in fact it was amazing seeing the full 360 panorama! Stepped out of the lift and the dizziness and nausea set in - very strange I must say but I had a great time and did complete the challenge!

Getting ready to go up

Tower Bridge

Started to get vertigo!

HMS Belfast

Ooh very whooshy now!
The London Eye

At the top - it was amazing!

No 9 - Write personal letters (42)

I wanted to make this challenge a very special one. I originally thought I might write a letter for each person on their Birthday, but then I realised that it would only be a surprise for the first couple of people. I thought then to maybe do it for Christmas, but then there would be so many other things going on and other gifts that it might be seen as just a Christmassy thing, and I wanted it to be a something from me thing!

When I decided to give golden goody boxes as a little something for my Birthday guests I realised it was the perfect opportunity to pop a note/card into each box of the people I wanted to write to. This would mean it would be a surprise for everyone at the same time and also give me a lot of pleasure spending some time thinking and writing about all the people I love and the wonderful quirks and traits they have!

So I popped each note into the goody box and it was such a pleasure to hear how much they were appreciated. I loved this challenge as it was all about everyone else and not me!

Coloured notes and dinky envelopes!

The golden goody boxes

Sunday, 9 August 2015

No 8 - Make my own Birthday Cake (20)

This was always going to be a good challenge as I am not a baker! I can make lovely savoury dishes but cakes, always a hodgepodge!  Still, I have 2 facts about my cakes: 1 - they always taste lovely, 2 - they always look as if they are about to fall over; and this cake did not disappoint!

First thing to do, make an extra large cake board as I was going big! An old cork board and some cardboard boxes did the trick....

Just a simple cork board!
Ta da! 
 Then I found out that too much chocolate dries out cake and also that ganache can curdle!!

Oh dear....
Curdled ganache - yuk!
 If it doesn't stick together then try kitkat scaffolding as a support structure, tasty and effective. Then if it looks a bit like it might just all fall apart, bring in the fondant icing!

Starting to look like a ship

Kit kat scaffolding!

Cover it up, lol.
It might still fall over but I discovered that a garden brick covered in gold tissue paper holds a cake up nicely and can even add to the overall effect!!

Secret support wall..

Let the decorating commence

Yummy chocolate...
Time to get creative

Ta da!

Saturday, 11 July 2015

No 7 - Have coffee in Harrods (50)

Believe it or not, despite spending a third of my adult life in London and another third visiting London, until today I had never been to Harrods! I have driven past many times at Christmas time and the shop front windows always look so magical and I remember as a child seeing on the news the crowds queueing over night for the January sales. So I was been looking forward to my visit with the added bonus of having a coffee and a pastry.

I did the challenge with my daughter Chloe and we arrived on a lovely sunny afternoon, except it was a Saturday and there were so many people it was hard to move around the store! There are very few signs in the shop so it is difficult to find out where you are and where anything else is. I asked a male shop assistant where the Tea Room was and after following his directions we ended up going round in a circle and back where we started! I then asked a female assistant where the nearest place to have a cup of tea was. She laughed and said there were loads of places in the shop and I eventually pinned her down to where the nearest one was; so I thought!  It took asking another assistant who told us to go downstairs to the Cappuccino cafe before we found somewhere to actually get a drink, can you believe it!!

The cafe was very sweet, small but nicely laid out. We made our order including some water as it was very warm.  It did look lovely when brought to our table, minus the water. We had to ask 3 times in total to get the water and when it arrived it was warm, that was disappointing. Especially as the coffee was a very small cup and not very hot either.  The pastries were yummy though and CHloe had a large pot of hot tea which I shared too. She actually ordered ice tea and was given a hot pot and a glass with ice - didn't expect that!!

Both of us thoroughly enjoyed our pastries and we took our time eating them as they cost so much!!  They were very sweet so we did have pauses, especially as we were waiting for water.  Chloe didn't manage her all her tea but I definitely drank every drop of the coffee.

The prices were going to be high, but I knew that before I went and as a one off treat for a challenge, but I was a little surprised just how much a coffee and a pastry would be in their little coffee bar!

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

No 6 - Go to a lovely place for a beautiful sunset (38)

This challenge happened by accident! I was taken for an early Birthday treat by my son George. He kept it a surprise until the last minute. What an amazing evening, we were at Blenheim Palace with Ludovico Einaudi!!  As the sun started to set there was a silence amongst crowd; the stunning location in the Great Courtyard, the beautiful sky with the setting sun. The only sounds we could hear were the birds singing whilst swooping low over us to the magical melodies of the piano and glorious strings.  A lot of people sit and watch a lovely sunset and put Einaudi on in the background - I HAD HIM WITH ME for my sunset - how much more amazing can you get!! Thanks George!

Saturday, 20 June 2015

No. 5 - Become an NLP Practitioner (43)

Well I passed my certification in March and have been accepted by the ANLP which is the governing body in UK. I am working towards my advanced practitioner so watch this space for a No 43 update in a few months!

No. 4 - Drink some expensive champagne! (13)

Woo hoo! Another challenge and a tasty one at that. Unexpectedly at my granddaughter's christening my folks turned up with an expensive bottle of champagne they had been saving for a special occasion!  A magnum no less! So of course I was the first one to down my glass completing a challenge and wetting the baby's head at the same time - what a fantastic day!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

The wall collage

This weekend I will be preparing the bathroom for the wall collage. Collected some amazing pictures from all my back copies of #lonelyplanet. It will be awesome!

Thursday, 9 April 2015

No 3 - Do an April Fool's Joke (8)

This is the post I made in the committee page on April 1st!

"I have just arrived in Argentina but could not wait to tell you all the amazing news of our new sponsor for head judge jackets at WPSC - Butlins are famous for their designer jackets and are providing each head judge with a special jacket and all the judges in their category will have ties to match the jacket. Butlins are against stereotypes so currently Davide will be in pink, Cindy in blue, Florenza in yellow, Petra in Green and the fifth judge in Red. All with matching ties! How awesome is that! Actually can someone tell Petra she is not on this committee page. See you soon folks!"

I know this made some people question whether this was true or not right up until today April 9th I have had messages asking if it is true as they are not happy with their colours!!

I admit - I WAS JOKING!!  For this to last for 9 days is definitely a good April Fools Joke and another one off the list, ha ha ha!

This is the picture posted by a committee member who thought he would be dressed like one of his heroes!

Sunday, 22 March 2015

No 2 - Adopt an animal (9)

Well I have adopted Dolo the lion from the Born Free Foundation. I loved Born Free the programme each week and especially the lions. I am a Leo the lion and I love cats so it makes sense.

There won't be a picture of me with him sadly. I hope he continues to improve.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

No. 1 - Crocodile World ((15)

So exciting.....!  I did my first challenge of the year - Do something involving a dangerous animal.  I got the amazing opportunity to be a keeper at Crocodile World.  I learnt so much from Terry our Head Keeper as he took us round, told us so much about the Crocodilia and got me weighing, measuring and feeding crocodiles and alligators.  They are amazing creatures and it was fascinating.  I also got to feed the huge tortoises, hold the baby tortoises and hold lots of baby alligators.  What an amazing day and how amazing for the first challenge!
The  first of my 50 favourite songs to go with the challenge, reminds me of when my son was younger; he loved it so much!

In I go..... what will happen?

His head is bigger than mine, what on earth am I doing?
First up Albert the Beast - he his huuuuge!

A tour round to see the alligators.

My what big teeth you have Grandma!

I am just chillin', and waiting', come take a swim!!
Definitely don't want to fall in with this lot - all ladies by the way.

Time to weigh the babies; 3 months old....aww!

2 years old and needs his lunch.

Now to feed this lovely snappy lady!

Time for the baby tortoises.... so very cute!

Growing up into a very big tortoise - this is Toby.

Yey.. Terry said I passed!
Definitely a good start to the year with challenge 1 done............. Only 49 to go!!